16 years
Not kidding. They have everything. Most of our furniture comes from them.
I'm in the process of starting a hostel in the Northeast U.S. and was wondering if anyone could steer me towards a good source for furniture like bunk beds, washing machines, lighting, etc. Does anyone have a checklist of furniture and equipment that they've used and would like to share?
16 years
Not kidding. They have everything. Most of our furniture comes from them.
16 years
Great idea - at least for the stuff that's available online. Unfortunately, the bunk beds I want aren't available and there isn't an IKEA near where I am.
16 years
there isn't an IKEA near where I am.
No worries, they deliver and even assemble the stuff at your place.
16 years
We also prefer IKEA, although it's quality is not the same as it was before. Their wooden bunkbeds are now made of cemented small pieces of wood, therefore it is good if it lasts for a year or so... :( we still have some of the old version, it only has to be maintained (adjusted & re-painted) and it's still all goodie.
Sometimes you get cheaper if you can find a good carpenter nearby... and is more flexible if you have special requests. ;)
16 years
Thanks so much for the tip on the wood bunk beds from IKEA. I've stayed in hostels with them and they seemed great and solid. Just like everything these days, quality goes out the window for cheap :(
11 years
Wow!!! wonderful write up about Furniture & Equipment where i will get. Actually, i have got a such kind of handy article which will be very useful to me when I will buy some Furniture & Equipment for my house. Thanks a lot mate for posting the article as well.
11 years
Furniture is one of the essential fashionable element for every home. It helps people to sit peacefully and take some rest. But most of the people think that where to get the best furniture. You can get this easily at any place but better to keep the branded and proper one. I would like to suggest to go for the creative event services for the rental furniture but you can get the details information. http://www.creativeeventservices.com/event-lounge-furniture
8 years
Looking for Midwest furnature recomendation.
Ideally we would love to have someone custome build our bunks - any chance you lovely people have had bunks custome build for you. Any price quotes on that?
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