15 years
If this does open, please let me know! I am looking to start a hostel in Windsor. We could benefit from each other.
Hi, I am attempting to start up a Backpackers Hostel in Hamilton, Ontario Canada and have been travelling through many hurdles. I am looking to convert an old storefront building into a moderate sized backpackers/short term stay accommodations. The biggest issue I am having is that of finding anyone to insure it. If anyone has any advice please post. Thanks.
15 years
If this does open, please let me know! I am looking to start a hostel in Windsor. We could benefit from each other.
15 years
Hi TnT,
I can empathise with you on that. I am trying to find a lease building but to try and explain to the owners that the hostel would not be a crack den can be a little difficult! I'm sure someone will be able to offer some advise on their insurance here though. Good Luck.
15 years
In Hamilton we are fighting a tough battle against somewhat ignorant people who think that a Hostel is some kind of flophouse. However, my local councillor has informed me that they will be making a proposal to add a definition into the bylaw codes to describe what a hostel is. A present the closet thing we have is called a Lodging House which is shared accommodation with shared kitchen and bathrooms. However, people think of these as rooming dens. Still searching for insurance.
15 years
I've discussed my ideas with a few people, and they immediately assumed I meant a flophouse. Good luck
15 years
Talk to the hostel managers/owners in Toronto and Niagara to find out the broker they have. You won't get their cost but you would get an agent that is familiar with Backpackers hostels.
15 years
Haven't had much luck with that. If anyone from TO reads this please send me broker information. Thanks.
15 years
could you call it something else? boutique guesthouse?
just for the sake of the narrow minded suit?
14 years
could you call it something else? boutique guesthouse?
just for the sake of the narrow minded suit?
I'm all for a slight bending of the rules to help smooth things along, but thinking back to my experiences with insurance companies in the past. If the time comes to claim and they find discrepancies, you can find your policy void. I guess its best to find a company that knows what the business is from the outset and protect your interests. You'd hope in these times there would be insurance companies out there that know what a hostel is!
14 years
Yeah, I've been invovled with mortgage companies and banks for over a decade buying/selling/renting houses and they seem to set up the system for people to be dishonest with them. Almost encourage it really. However, insurance is a whole different ball of wax. There are just so many variables. To add insult to injury my insurance agent totally understands what a hostel is and has stayed in them before. Thinks its a great things for the city. Doesn't insure them. Informed me that there are alot of things that could go wrong. Yes, thats why I need the insurance!
14 years
To add insult to injury my insurance agent totally understands what a hostel is and has stayed in them before. Thinks its a great things for the city. Doesn't insure them.
Well that's useful.
I think as suggested earlier by CanHostel, the only option you have is to get on the phone and call as many hostels as you can and ask to speak to the manager/owner. Someone will eventually help. Let us know how you get on.
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