16 years
I always tried to get people to talk... just talk anything so I get an impression.
When interviewing job applicants, what questions do you ask and why?
Are there any specific questions that you find useful to get a sense of whether they would be good employees?
I guess the standard interview question, "where do you picture yourself in 5 years" might be changed to, "where do you picture yourself in 5 months?" :)
What is the minimum period to hire hostel employees for?
Do you get a lot of employees who say they want to work for the long term, but who really just want to work for 5 weeks because they're already planning on going surfing in SE Asia?
16 years
I always tried to get people to talk... just talk anything so I get an impression.
16 years
Ask them to describe their favorite and least favorite hostels that they have encountered on their travels. This helps to make sure that their idea of what makes a hostel good/fun/well run/etc is compatible with your operation and the way you want them to fit into it.
16 years
I have tried this several times. The crux is, the silly Austrians don´t really travel and even if they do, they don´t stay in hostels and even if they do, they don´t remember the hostel´s name. :rolleyes:
16 years
Austrians don´t really play board games either. That´s why we have so few working here... :cool:
14 years
First of all try to make the person comfortable. Then let the person talk and talk and talk.
Open ended questions are perfect for that.
Off course these are all cynical questions, but whatever, you don't care for the answers, you just want the person to open herself so you can get to know her better.
What's your strength?
What are your weaknesses?
Tell me about a pressure situation you have faced and how you have handled it.
14 years
Brian - i really am convinced you have me bugged.... i ask the same question about hostel experience. I also ask them to list the top three things they look for in a hostel.
if they are applying for a cleaning job and don't say 'clean' as one of the top three...they don't get any further.
if they are applying for reception and don't say something along the lines of 'friendly/helpful staff' they don't get any further.
as for those non-traveling staff - we ask them to describe one instance of good or bad customer service they personally experienced.
but the key is to LISTEN...both to what they say and what they do not say. I truly believe in paying attention to body language, eye contact, smiling.
I also through in off the wall questions just to see how they handle a 'curve ball'. Ive asked some really weird questions just to see how they handle it. I think it shows how good they are on spontaneously, if they get rattled easily, etc.
14 years
Good points, Ria! I'm taking some notes here. And you look lovely today, by the way. Is that outfit new?
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