14 years
The average occupancy in the DC area is 80%. I'm sure it would be a little less for a smaller city.
I am in the final phases of spit-shining some situational examples in my business plan. Would anyone be willing to share their occupancy rates with me. Most useful would be for a 50-100 bed hostel in a medium sized city with limited market competition. Seasonal fluxuations and trends would be all the more useful, if possible. Thanks much!
14 years
The average occupancy in the DC area is 80%. I'm sure it would be a little less for a smaller city.
14 years
Thanks much. I went ahead with a conservative 24-bed configuration for the Boise, Idaho market. We'll see how that treats us, and hope to expand over a 2-3 year span. www.idahostel.com
14 years
Looks great. Recognize the reno pictures from our own work last year. Brings back memories! Judging by the picture of your building, looks like you have room to expand if space becomes available. Good luck. For comparison contact Jeff at Wicked Hostels in Calgary. He just opened up with one competitor and has around 60 beds I believe. I can give you some details too but we are way over the 100 bed mark.
14 years
That looks like a great place to stay! Let us know when you are fully open and I will make a visit to Boise from Seattle! I've not been yet and staying in a new city in a new hostel will be the best way I can think of to experience it.
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