Get a hostel job right now !!!

Hello backpackers !!!!
Im here to introduce you the new way to travel the world and get a cool job in a hostel.
My name is Marcelo and I´m a volunteer at Worldpackers.
Let me explain what it is... Worldpackers ( is a platform that connects hostels and volunteers around the world.
You just need to create a free profile at the website, and start to look for a job at those 200 (until now) subscribed hostels around the world.
Its quick, easy and free !!!!
If you have any doubt about it, feel free to contact me at [email protected] It will be a pleasure to help you to travel the world and get a fantastic job in a hostel !!
PS.: If you represent a Hostel, and want to subscribe it in our website, just go to the site and apply for it. Its also free.
Have a good trip !
Volunteer at Worldpackers
Job first posted: 17 March 2014