Volunteering position in small hostel - Mostar Bosnia and Hercegovina during JUNE/JULY/AUGUST.

Hello fellow backpackers/travelers.
We are looking for a volunteer to start working with us ASAP.
Few works about us... hostel is small up to 20 beds in very popular destination in Mostar Bosnia and Hercegovina.
We prefer easy going well traveled people and even if you have some hostel experience even better for us.
Work hours are flexible and your major job will be reception work and hostel maintenance.
In exchange for work we can offer accommodation and food. Min stay 4 weeks.
Check our facebook www.facebook.com/guesthousetaso or instagram: guesthousetaso
If you are interested in this please contact us with your CV + 2 photos on [email protected] or our Facebook Page.
We are looking for a volunteer to start working with us ASAP.
Few works about us... hostel is small up to 20 beds in very popular destination in Mostar Bosnia and Hercegovina.
We prefer easy going well traveled people and even if you have some hostel experience even better for us.
Work hours are flexible and your major job will be reception work and hostel maintenance.
In exchange for work we can offer accommodation and food. Min stay 4 weeks.
Check our facebook www.facebook.com/guesthousetaso or instagram: guesthousetaso
If you are interested in this please contact us with your CV + 2 photos on [email protected] or our Facebook Page.
Job first posted: 13 March 2016