16 years
cool spot, ive stayed there twice.. The first time in the attic! Excellent bar as well. Greeting from Chile.
Hostel Clown and Bard Prague
established somewhere since 1995
I start to manage hostel summer 2000
more at:
Robert Sket
++420 606 746 145
16 years
cool spot, ive stayed there twice.. The first time in the attic! Excellent bar as well. Greeting from Chile.
16 years
Welcome to the site :)
If you haven't seen it yet, you can add your hostels to our hostel directory... (It's free)
16 years
Prague seems to be better than most capital cities in having several very good hostels. I stayed in Sir Tobys, which was certainly the best big-city hostel I've stayed in. Quite a number have had such good reviews I'd like to stay in several of them!
16 years
I've never been to Eastern Europe. I'm trying to get to a town in Hungary called Szeged in August so maybe I'll have a chance this summer. Prague looks great...
16 years
I've never been to Eastern Europe. I'm trying to get to a town in Hungary called Szeged in August so maybe I'll have a chance this summer. Prague looks great...
I hope you will stop by and visit us in Budapest! ;)
Szeged: Fish soup, paprika and the Great Plain... Also there is the Szeged Open Air Festival between 4th July and 21st August. Unfortunately the official English site doesn't offer much information...
Also in August we have the Sziget Festival in Budapest between 12th and 18th August, including REM, Iron Maiden, Jamiroquai and a lot more famous musicians...
16 years
Thanks! I'm hoping to go to a tech conference in Szeged on August 27th, though I'm not sure about the logistics yet.
I'm trying to escape the USA for at least a year or two this time... :)
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