11 years
El Misti Hostels is ready to start using hostel bench, sounds great revenue system for hostels.
HostelBench: Pre-registration to our free revenue management service is now available:
A quick introduction: we're HostelBench - a Benchmarking service for Hostels.
We'll be launching the service in the coming weeks.
In anticipation of some obvious questions, we've been talking to ourselves and came up with the following:
Q: Benchmarking for Hostels? Why hostels, why now?
A: Short answer – we were asked to.
Not so short answer – benchmarking has been around for years in hotels, we wanted to bring the same level of market intelligence to hostels. This will allow you to compare your hostel's performance to that of the market.
Q: How do I benefit from using HostelBench?
A: HostelBench helps you to keep a forensic eye on your market Occupancy, Rate and RevPAB (revenue per available bed). Each week our Spotlight Report will let you know at a glance whether you are above, below or on par with market Occupancy, Rate and RevPAB. We feel you should be the first to know, to "Be in the know."
Q: Yes but what’s it going to cost?
A: Three answers:
free version;
€10 a month version with bells on;
€20 a month with bells and whistles.
Rebates are on offer for the regular provision of a chicken curry – we do like a chicken curry.
Q: As a Hostel what do I need to do to use your service?
A: Register for starters and propose a number of other hostels in your region. Then you plus a minimum of 3 or 4 like-minded hostels need to submit your occupancy and rate. We'll take care of the rest!
Q: Is my data exposed.
A: Not at all – you see your data, everyone else sees aggregated data.
Q: What if there are not enough hostels locally?
A: Not a problem – we’ll roll your results up on a regional basis until such time as there are enough hostels locally.
Q: Where's the pain?
A: There is none – well ok, there is a little pain - 2-minute submission every week.
If you have questions of your own we’re all ears: for public queries just join the thread or email us on: [email][email protected][/email][ATTACH=CONFIG]1641[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]1640[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]1639[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]1638[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]1582[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]1641[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]1638[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]1639[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]1640[/ATTACH]
11 years
El Misti Hostels is ready to start using hostel bench, sounds great revenue system for hostels.
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