The Jake calls the bottom bunk!
Hey everyone!
I am loving this resource and I am super glad to have found it. Currently I am running a community swimming pool just outside of Seattle that was on the brink of closing. I was hired in September of 2008, it was scheduled to shutter in December of 2008 but since then I've found and sliced more than 200k from the budget and increased revenues over 40k, for a small indoor community pool - that is no small feat. For the past year I've been getting phone calls from other facilities that are facing similar budget issues and trying to help them out the best I can but my heart has never been in Aquatics. I am a traveler.
Since 2004 I've been a integral member of the message boards and I am sure that we've referred more than a small number of folks to hostels ya'll are running. Tpunk is similar to thorntree and bootsnall but has never quite reached the size and scope of either of those major players.
Now I am looking to my future and have decided that opening a hostel would be the perfect next step. I've always dreamed of opening one on the beach in Nica but that might have to be my second or third hostel. I've found a location a bit closer to where I am now but I need to hammer out details and make up a business plan. I am really hesitant to divulge location on here though but once I get things figured out I'll send you all a free night!
Super glad to be here. I am excited to input to your ideas and here your input on mine. I am stoked to hopefully be joining the ranks of hosteliers!
- Comments
14 years
I've been in contact with a venture capitalist who is keen on the idea. I need to get some numbers together.
Anyone want to share how they came up with their projected revenues, meaning how did you guess how many people would show that first year?
14 years
Can't help you much there, I had to do something in Bangkok and at the time there were no Hostels here (just guesthouses)and I just took the shot that there would be others like my self that would rather stay in a social enviroment as opposed to a Boring room.
I lease the property and used my own funds. It was a gamble that I thought was worth a shot. It wasn't until I was established that I could even start to honestly predict projected revenues.
In your case I'd imagine that looking for the demographics of young travelers already traveling in or thru the area, checking the occupancy of hostels around you might be a start.
14 years
Well I finally received an email back from the Chamber of Commerce, they don't have occupancy rates for me but they do have tax information so they are sending that over. I will have to figure out some sort of occupancy rate extractor to use in conjunction with the different hotels financials to get a good idea of how full the town is around the year with tourists.
Pretty exciting start!
14 years
Good start Jake,
Are there other places in your area that use Hostelbookers or Hostelworld? If so looking at thier daily availability will also be an advantage to see occupancy in the area, Not just hostels but Hotels and B&B's, notice the age demographics on reviews, if as I think your looking for
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