13 years
Hi Marie,
I own a hostel in Lima - Peru, write me to [email][email protected][/email] so you we can talk. Thanks!
We're a new hostel in Santiago Chile and we would like to create partnerships with others hostels of the region, we are still working on our website and flyers that should be ready at the end of the week. I heard about networks in the area and we would like to build one for marketing and even bookings, it could be a good way to improve occupancy, decrease commission and offer our guests a good experience in nice hostels in other cities.
If anyone knows any existing networks other than the affiliated ones or is interested by the idea, please let me know,
13 years
Hi Marie,
I own a hostel in Lima - Peru, write me to [email][email protected][/email] so you we can talk. Thanks!
12 years
Hi guys.
Did you manage to get anywhere with partnerships and bookig exchanges? I am open to ideas.
We are opening a hostel in Mendoza, Argentina. let me know about how far you got.
12 years
Hi there.
We've just opened our hostel in Bogotá, Colombia.
We are very interested in making partnerships with other hostels in South America.
Please write.
10 years
Hi to all of you,
Is any one interested in marketing exchange with an Egyptian hostel.
We own two hostels in Egypt (Horus Eye Hostel & Egyptian Night hostel)
[email protected]
9 years
This is a great idea!
It is also hugely important to make your hostel's online presence known as more and more tourists are reverting to the web to book hostels.
I'd recommend building up strong reviews on TripAdvisor and utilizing as many online marketing channels as possible.
8 years
Hi All,
Love this idea,
We are a hostel in central London SOHO, we would love to build partnerships with other hostels around the world, more the merrier!
Please do get in touch: [email protected]
Kind Regards,
7 years
Hi everyone, I'm Evan, a backpacker and entrepreneur who is 10 months into a 12 month journey through south america.
I have met so many people and hostel owners during this trip. all of your desires are the same. And so I'm building a direct marketing platform that will enable you to drive more direct reservations through your site and reduce the commissions you pay to the OTAs. My background is banking, marketing, advertising and running/building startups. This is pretty wheelhouse for me.
It's a pretty simple concept: each of you gathers data from guests at check in (name, home country, passport number, next destination, age, etc) but then you don't do anything to capitalize on this. 95% of guests will not visit your hostel or your city again during this trip so there isn't an opportunity to market your hostel to them. Therefore, if I check-in in Santiago and tell the hostel I'm going to Mendoza next, our platform will enable the hostels in Mendoza to send targeted emails to me (and all other guests traveling to Mendoza next) to drive direct bookings.
This enables the hostel in Santiago to 1) provide better concierge-type services to their guests who are actively seeking recommendations for places to stay and 2) earn a booking commission if their guests books through a partner hostel.
Sharing data generates your freedom from the OTAs. Chasqui is here to help. And it doesn't cost you anything to join and access 100,000s of travelers who are coming to your city next!
Please email me and I will gladly walk you through the business model and opportunity. I'll be in Santiago, Mendoza and Brazil in April and May. I have commitments from hostels in Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Cali (Colombia), Medellin, Salento, La Paz, Cusco, La Serena (Chile), Florianopolis. And this is a very very new concept.
Buen Viaje!
Evan Turner
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