15 years
Twitter is getting mainstream...
And that's precisely when it'll start dying - when the only people who use it are businesses, and all the celebs have left.
I saw this business card in a coffee shop while up in Canada. I like that it shows they have a lot of social media profiles. It links to a website, and also to their Twitter profile.
The "@BlenzCoffee" at the top shows customers that they are Twitter-savvy. The social media icons at the bottom let customers know that they can connect with the cafe on their favorite social media website. The cafe offers free wireless Internet, so it's easy for customers to immediately check out the business online.
Hostels also have a lot of customers with laptops who might pick up a social media oriented business card and immediately look up the hostel's online profiles. It might be a good way to get a lot of Twitter and Facebook followers. (Social media = free word of mouth marketing.)
For a hostel to adapt to something like this, I think it would be better to use the hostel's main website for the main contact information (instead of a .tel domain which the hostel doesn't entirely control). Or a specific page like example.com/connect that links to the URLs of all of the hostel's social media profiles.
I've seen a few businesses prominently featuring their Twitter profile lately. In Seattle there was even a street vendor with a gigantic Twitter URL on the side of the cart. Twitter is getting mainstream...
15 years
Twitter is getting mainstream...
And that's precisely when it'll start dying - when the only people who use it are businesses, and all the celebs have left.
15 years
And that's precisely when it'll start dying - when the only people who use it are businesses, and all the celebs have left.
I think Twitter may eventually die (when they run out of good URLs), but the concept of "status updates" will be around for a long time. I would like to see a decentralized, open source version of status updates take over Twitter. Maybe something like Identi.ca (Status.net).
15 years
I must be able to see into the future - a day after I said the celebs would leave, the UK's most prominent twitterer is threatening to leave - story
10 years
Among the lots of comments on your articles. Thanks for sharing.I really enjoy reading them every day. I’ve learned a lot from them.
4 years
I love reading your article! And I heard great reviews regarding this coffee shop. Social media is really a big help for business owners and influencers, I highly recommended this company best twitter followers for business owners!
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