13 years
This is an excellent list, it seems so simple to overlook such necessary items but I have been to many hostels where some of those items were missing.
Its the little things that make the difference.
In a blog post entitled “The Hostel Owner’s Guide: The How-to’s…Please!” Blogger Michael Hodson gives advice to hostel owners about what backpackers expect from us.
Here is the “Guide to Hostel Basics” that every hostel owner should commit to. If the hostel you are staying in doesn’t do these basic steps, give them the link and tell them to get on it.
Well folks, here you go!
From Michael:
Other readers added:
Many of these things have been discussed at great length in this forum. While the actual cost of some of these suggestions is not quite as insignificant as the blog would suggest, it sounds like a pretty decent set of guidelines to me.
As experienced hostel owners, are there other suggestions that you would add to this list?
13 years
This is an excellent list, it seems so simple to overlook such necessary items but I have been to many hostels where some of those items were missing.
Its the little things that make the difference.
13 years
Sounds like decent suggestions. Certainly if you're running a hostel you need to listen to your customer's desires. My advice would be to make sure all the little things that cost very little are in order, and that everything you do have is in working order. It probably differs by country, but for many countries the most expensive cost you'll have is labor. Things that require additional staffing are expensive, and that cost will have to be passed on to the customer. That's really the main problem I have with "free" breakfast, the meal may be able to be done cheaply, but you need someone to look after it. If you get your receptionist to do this then reception and phone staffing will suffer - at one of your busiest times. To me the same is true of towels. If you hand out one to each customer and you have 50 beds, that's 50 towels that need washing daily. You'll have to pay for the labor to do this and the washing/ drying costs. I find most backpackers travel without towels, so would rather their bed cost was kept lower than be given something that they don't need.
I personally wouldn't have a long list of rules like that posted. To me that gives off the wrong vibe about the place. And mainly, like a GGG, the people who will obey these rules don't need to be told, and the people who'll ignore them will ignore them whether they are written down or not.
I notice having a self catering kitchen is not mentioned there - I wonder if that's as it's assumed you'll have one, or that it's not important. Personally I find self catering the way to save real money. Paying to eat out in most western countries adds a lot to the cost of your trip.
I assume (or at least hope) the "cute people" is a joke?
13 years
I don't think he intended for those "rules" to be rigid restrictions. He describes them as "basic 'don’ts' when staying in hostels and dorms." As guidelines for courteous behavior I think they're pretty good. They can all be summed up as "Act like a civilized person and respect the people around you."
Scotch Argus, I agree 100% that long lists of rules plastered all over your walls tend to ruin an otherwise good vibe.
13 years
If you are going to provide free coffee, I think you might also want to consider providing free tea.
Some of these suggestions may vary by country/region. For example, living in China (and traveling in Asia in general) I find it's common for toilet paper to be provided outside the restroom (near the sinks), if at all. Also, it's less common to have free breakfast or a community kitchen, probably because eating out is quite affordable. I think travelers in Asia have different expectations when the stay in hostels compared to travelers in developed countries.
Overall, these sounds like a pretty decent list though. However, I've stayed at a lot of hostels and don't remember seeing rules posted. I definitely agree that can kill a good vibe.
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