17 years
Pretty famous prison hostel in Ljubljana (capital of Slovenia): http://www.hostelcelica.com/
I was surfing the Web today reading about weird hostels. Here are some of the weird or unusual hostels that I found. Maybe they can provide inspiring concepts for new hostels.
(Add more if you know of them)
Castle Hostels
* Carbisdale Castle in Scotland
* Stayokay Domburg in Netherlands -- a hostel in Castle Westhove (13th century)
* Foulksrath Castle - Kilkenny Hostel, Ireland -- a Irish hostel in a 16th century castle
* Albergue Lua Cheia -- Castle hostel in Natal, Brazil
* Burg Breuberg -- Castle hostel in Germany. I couldn't find much information about it in English.
Boat Hostels:
* Eastern Comfort in Berlin -- a hostel on a boat
* Red Boat Mälaren in Stockholm, Sweden -- a hostel located on two boats in Stockholm
* Hostel Boat The Clipper, Rotterdam -- a hostel boat in the Netherlands. The Web site is down, but I will link to it when it goes back up: hostelboat.nl
* af Chapman -- a boat hostel in Stockholm, Sweden
* Nyhaven Boat Hostel in Copenhagen, Denmark
Treehouse Hostels:
* Bayram's Treehouse Hostel, Turkey
Prison Hostels:
* Långholmen Hostel in Stockholm, Sweden -- former prison offering "...freshly renovated, prison cells in what used to be the Crown Prison".
* Ottawa Jail Hostel -- A Canadian hostel in a former jail -- offering dorm cells.
Cave Hostels:
* Traveller's Cave -- dorm beds in a cave, Goreme, Turkey
Ranch Hostels:
* Anak Ranch -- Stay in a ger (yurt) on a Mongolian working ranch. Directions to get there: "The train arrives in Orkhon at about 3 a.m. We are met at the station with horses, and then it’s a 20-minute ride to the ranch."
Please list more below if you know of them...
17 years
Pretty famous prison hostel in Ljubljana (capital of Slovenia): http://www.hostelcelica.com/
17 years
Another weird one: the "Ostel", an east-German-style hostel in Berlin: http://www.ostel.eu/ostel_willkommen_eng.htm
17 years
The Chicago Tribune just did a story today on weird hostels:
17 years
jumbo jet into a hostel. nice.
apparently theres an old train thats been turned inot a hostel in sweden too
17 years
The jumbo jet idea is interesting. Quote:
"Diös has said in the past that he plans to start a chain of similar hostels at airports around the world, which he said would be called ’Jumbo Hostels’."
Hostels at airports? That would be useful. There are some Web pages:
I looked up the train hostel and found it here:
17 years
Prison Hostels:
* Långholmen Hostel in Stockholm, Sweden -- former prison offering "...freshly renovated, prison cells in what used to be the Crown Prison".
* Ottawa Jail Hostel -- A Canadian hostel in a former jail -- offering dorm cells
There are also prison hostels in Mount Gambier, SA, Australia, Napier, New Zealand and Christchurch, New Zealand.
In my opinion prisions were designed as punishment so they aren't really the nicest places to stay and the novelty wears off pretty quickly.
17 years
In my opinion, some hostels were designed as punishment as well! :rolleyes:
you're definately german arent you :p
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