The Tiny Town Hostel™ is a Disruptive Hostel Design that is less expensive, naturally community centric, easily reconfigured and has very unique, private accommodations for all it’s guests. There are no other Hostels, in Seattle or the U.S, that offer these and many more features. In Seattle a 1 night stay, in a Tiny Town Hostel will cost the same as a bunk in an 8 bed dorm room, in any other Hostel. It is modular and assembled onsite in an inexpensive warehouse space. There are many revitalization projects in cities, throughout the U.S., that offer warehouse space at reasonable rates and have a vibrant community building around them. In Seattle that would be the SoDo/Georgetown area, south of downtown by the stadiums.
The genesis for my Tiny Town Hostel concept comes from staying in a number of Hostels over the past few years. They are great but they are, for the most part, revitalizations of old hotels into bunkhouses. They are generally in urban areas with associated high real estate costs. Old hotels are really not very conducive to a communal atmosphere so they have to create a lot of events to get people to come together. Last but not least, how about the total elimination of the bed bug problem and clients can use their own bedding. That said . . .
Let me present to you my Tiny Town Hostel™
The ZZZspace Module Prototype is complete and has been tested.
I am looking for serious visionary partners that can capitalize and manage Tiny Town Hostels around the world. Let me know your interests and I will be happy to outline the concept in greater detail
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