5 years
Hi Joe,
I hope you are doing well.
I am the owner of a freshly opened hostel in Thaïland and would be very interested in that kind of partnership.
Could we discuss it further?
Thank you,
Best Regards,
Madalee Hattaya.
To Hostel Owners & Managers,
My name is Joe Roberts I am a Engineer and avid traveller from the UK who has spents many many night at hostels all over the world, I am the founder of the company Bohemian Professionals a remote work away company. I started this venture as I believe that everyone deserves the chance to travel no matter of personal circumstance and it shouldn’t be only for the young lucky few, in my experience travel has a profound effect on people that can be immeasurably important in other aspects of their lives.
I am certain that as hostel owners/managers you feel this exact same way and many of you may have yourselves had the same conversation as I do with people who have never travelled, which goes something like this;
“I would love to travel but haven’t got anyone to go with.”
“I can’t travel because I would have to leave my job that I have worked hard for.”
“I wish I would have travelled when I was younger.”
“I have a family and don’t have the time/money to go.”
“I haven’t got enough holidays to travel.”
This got me thinking is there a solution to all these problems that would open the up travel for a broader spectrum of people, the answer I came up with was yes there is a solution, Bohemian Professionals. The concept is that if the employees daily job can be done from a computer (which encompasses a huge population of the employed sector) then as long as a high quality internet connection and a workspace is provided, there is no reason that person could not be in a dream destination working remotely at your incredible hostel.
I truly believe and I’m sure you agree hostels are the heart of travelling as I have found often it is the people I am with that make a place truly memorable, however they are often overlooked or dismissed by many older professional people for the fear of being trapped with much younger people. This obstacle is removed by working in conjunction with yourselves and companies to arrange a duration of stay that professionals can come and work remotely at your facility giving the opportunity for people to travel who may not have had the chance previously, I hope you agree that this is an amazing opportunity especially you the hostels as you will have filled beds and the possibililty to change peoples lives for the better.
So now we are looking for suitable hostels to partner up with which we will be able to send a number of professionals to work remotely from, the key factors for the chosen hostels will be;
- High speed internet WiFi which will not slow down or fail due to a number of people being connected at the same time.
- A large enough work space for people to work comfortably in with all the correct facilities such as tables for laptops, enough plug socket outlets etc.
- Enough staff to ensure all that stay have the best possible time with local travel information so when not working the professionals can explore.
I would like to have a chat with any hostel owners/managers that feel they would like to be a part of this amazing venture moving forward who feels that their hostel would be perfect for what we are looking for.
Thank you all very much.
5 years
Hi Joe,
I hope you are doing well.
I am the owner of a freshly opened hostel in Thaïland and would be very interested in that kind of partnership.
Could we discuss it further?
Thank you,
Best Regards,
Madalee Hattaya.
5 years
Hi Madalee It is a pleasure to meet you,
Of course we can discuss it further and see if we are compatable and can work together moving forward,
My email address you can reach me on is [email protected]
I look forward to hearing off you!
Kind Regards,
Joe Roberts
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