7 years
Hola, por favor enviar detalles
Estoy interesado terwsado, cuántas plazas tiene el hostel ??
The price is back to half the price, $34,000 - it is hard for people to understand why I am selling a hostel that makes the selling price back within 3 months - I understand, but what you wont understand is that I really just want to leave Costa Rica and go travel and having a hostel will need your attention - I don't want to give it my attention now and so I really just want to leave. I had it listed for $70,000, but since I really want to leave, I am only giving it for $35,000 - that is the final price. I will try to attach here the revenue for the hostel for 1 year ( 2016) - if not, i will send it to you via email so you can see - everything has been recorded in our channel manager, so it is pretty strightforward. The hostel needs someone who will come and take care of it - it has a lot of potential to sell food drinks to guests, tours etc. The rent is only $2500 and it is in one of the best areas of San Jose, called Barrio Escalante - this area has a lot of resturants and bars. You can search the hostel online to see what is about: TripOn Open House - If you are not serious, no need to message me.
We can also arrange payment plan. I want to leave Costa Rica by the end of April / May.
Let me know!
7 years
Hola, por favor enviar detalles
Estoy interesado terwsado, cuántas plazas tiene el hostel ??
7 years
can you please send me the financial documents of 2016 by email.I am serious to take it over.
7 years
can you please send me the financial documents of 2016 by email.I am serious to take it over.
7 years
My partner and I are very interested in your hostel. Please email us the financial documents as well as any additional information you have. [email protected]
7 years
Hi, my husband and I are very interested in this hostel. Can you please email me more information (financial documents etc) to [email protected]
7 years
Another important thing that this established business have is a local bank account, you will not need to go through the troubles i went through to get this bank account, all I will do is we both go to the bank and have them change it to your name.
7 years
Please send me the financials and any additional information. I am a serious cash buyer. [email protected] -Thanks.
7 years
Hello, is the hostel still for sale? If yes, could you please send me further information at
Diego Evink
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