17 years
Site is totally unhelpful. Why take the trouble to set up an online video and then employ the most bored reader in the State to do it.:confused:
Has anyone heard of Bluefish Hostels?
Their press releases say that they have 5 hostels in North America, but I can't find them online.
This is from a press release that was uploaded in November:
"Bluefish Hostels has launched their new website bluefish.com Visitors to the site can learn more about locations and amenities, reserve beds and even explore new cities.
Bluefish.com was developed as a gateway for visitors to become familiar with Bluefish and all the services that the company offers. Bluefish was started in 2005 in Seattle as a joint venture between Sebastian Pratt and Nickie Van Lier. The two were inspired to bring hostelling culture to the U.S. by creating a trendy, fun and confortable hostel for young travelers on a budget. The success of their Seattle location has allowed the company to open hostels in New York, LA and Chicago. The 2008 launch of Bluefish Vancouver will be the premier of the first non-U.S. location."
This is from another recent press release:
"Bluefish Hostels launches fifth location.
The success of Bluefish with their four U.S. locations has led them to branch into the Canadian market. Vancouver was chose for its considerably young demographics and large tourism population.
Bluefish Hostels offers travelers from the ages of 18-35 an affordable and hip alternative to hotels. Bluefish Hostels have clean and chic interiors and are conveniently located in urban centers.
Bluefish opened its first location in Seattle in 2005 and shortly after opened additional locations in LA, New York and Chicago."
Bluefish.com looks like a SIM card provider though and the entire site is blocked to search engines with a robots.txt file.
Here is a press release talking about an upcoming appearance on CNBC:
17 years
Site is totally unhelpful. Why take the trouble to set up an online video and then employ the most bored reader in the State to do it.:confused:
17 years
If they have four hostels in the USA and one in Canada, that would make them among the largest independent hostel chains in the USA. That is why I am interested in finding out more information. I never heard of them until I found those press releases.
17 years
If they have four hostels in the USA and one in Canada, that would make them among the largest independent hostel chains in the USA. That is why I am interested in finding out more information. I never heard of them until I found those press releases.
I guess they are just a hoax, bro... Can you imagine such a business without any presence, anywhere? How their costumers would find them then? :confused: I think the guy on the video is just a bored uni student, having a webcam record in the library! This whole thing is just not relevant for me...
17 years
HOAX suspected...
Quite possible... I couldn't find them on Hostelz.com. Very strange...
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