5 years
Hi, I have hostels on sale in Medellín Colombia, these are not that big, but they have 90-100% occupancy, i case you are interested.
I am looking to operate numerous hostels in cities around Europe. Must be city centre, around 200 beds and happy to lease or purchase
Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Brighton, Cardiff
Croatia Dubrovnik
Denmark Copenhagen
France Lyon, Marseille, Nice
Germany Frankfurt, Munich, Hamburg, Berlin
Greece Athens
Holland Amsterdam
Hungary Budapest
Israel Tel Avi
Italy Florence, Rome, Venice, Milan
Latvia Riga
Norway Oslo
Poland Krakow, Warsaw
Portugal Porto
Slovenia Ljubljana
Slovakia Bratislava
Spain Madrid
Sweden Stockholm
Turkey Istanbul
5 years
Hi, I have hostels on sale in Medellín Colombia, these are not that big, but they have 90-100% occupancy, i case you are interested.
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