7 years
My suggestions ----Hostel Engagement Manager, Director of WOW, Manger of Happiness, Head of Fun, Officer In Charge Good Vibes----
If so, what is your title on them?
I find "Owner/Operator" too boring. And all the other ones seem to stiff!
For ex: Director, Founder, Head of Staff, etc
I want something fun and light, that still shows that I am the one in charge. But nothing too outrageous.
Any ideas and suggestions?
7 years
My suggestions ----Hostel Engagement Manager, Director of WOW, Manger of Happiness, Head of Fun, Officer In Charge Good Vibes----
7 years
I love all of these! You got exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much for sharing these suggestions :)
7 years
I always liked the title of "Experience Manager." Several people working as Social Coordinators preferred the title of "Fun Czar." My wife likes "Grand Poobah."
I haven't had business cards for my hostel for years, and when I print up my next batch I'm not planning to put any title on them. A bit boring, I know. But since my role seems to change from day to day, the only ones that seem to fit would be "Everything Guy" "Jack Of All Trades" or "The Man Behind The Curtain."
How do you feel about writing "In Charge" as your title?
I have to admit, I always wanted to make business cards that just said my name with the word "Professional" written underneath. No further explanation. Maybe I'll still do that.
A friend of mine printed business cards declaring himself "God of Thunder." I wonder how many of those he actually gave out. Probably ALL of them! :)
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