Hi All,
I'm investigating the issue of fake reviews and untrue claims about hostels and hotels posted on the big hostel and hotel booking websites.
It seems to me that these agents are using the so called privacy law to authorise the publishing of potentially untrue and unfair comments about hostels and hotels.
We all know that the privacy laws these agents hide behind are there to protect individuals. However, these agents appear to be using this very point of law to authorise individuals to post potentially damaging comments.....without any proof or investigation into whether the users comments are true or not.
The method used at the moment is akin to "Publish and be damned".
However, there is another law which exists which states that the owner of the website is directly responsible for what is published on it's website.
Additionally, these agents invite these comments.
Therefore, they authorise them without paying attention to the content.
i think this must stop now.
Not the ability for "guests" to stop making reviews....but the attitude of the big hostel and hotel agents to allow the publishing of comments and claims that DIRECTLY affect YOUR business, without checking the facts and the truth of the situation.
Are you concerned by this? you should be.
Let's start a debate about this, let's see what hostel owners and staff say about this.
The floor is yours!
What do your REALLY think of these agents who you are a customer of?
Do they really have your interests in mind? or just their 10%?
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