Are you ready for a hostel takeover?
Interesting article from Seattle, Washington:
When newlyweds Ashley and Joseph traveled from Denver to Seattle for their wedding trip, they skipped the plush honeymoon suite in favor of a private room in a Ballard hostel for $70 a night.
After they told people they met where they were staying, “We got a lot of funny responses,” Ashley said. “A hostel? On your honeymoon?”
Call it a hostel takeover. Business travelers, retirees, conventioneers -- all have bedded down at Hostel Seattle, Lee Tindel’s two year-old independent hostel overlooking Shilshole Bay...
On hostel numbers:
This season, numbers have dipped a bit at both local and international hostels, but inquiries from prospective first-timers are up at the Portland (Ore.) Hostel in the Hawthorne neighborhood, manager Michelle McKinzie said.
On the line between hostels and hotels:
But how do you know if you’re booking a hostel or a budget hotel? Increasingly, the line between the two is blurred. Hotel chains are trying to attract price-sensitive travelers by offering “hostel-style” accommodations while hostels are adding amenities and spiffing up their interiors to lure discerning travelers looking for deals.
On flashpackers:
They may call home with Skype, but flashpackers have been known to go retro, too.
“They love vinyl,” Tindel said. He often points them toward local record shops like Sonic Boom and Bop Records.
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