15 years
I can't get any further than your homepage on your web address - is the page still under construction?
Hostel Tevere would like to say hello to everyone on this site.. We are a new hostel that is opening up in Warren, Vermont this July 4th. Hostel Tevere is the new lodging option in the Mad River Valley and is just minutes away from Sugarbish mountain and Mad River Glen. Please feel free to get in contact with us and come visit, we would love to have you!
twitter - hosteltevere
15 years
I can't get any further than your homepage on your web address - is the page still under construction?
15 years
Josh, I claim this conversion. You owe me a drink.
Welcome to the club, Giles! :)
15 years
website should be up hopefully by the end of the day. Thanks Klaus for the help. Custom made bunk beds are up, welded steel!
15 years
You owe me a drink.
Ok, Sicily? :D
website should be up hopefully by the end of the day
Looks great -- welcome to the site :)
It's good to see a new hostel in Vermont because hostels seemed to be disappearing in Vermont for a while.
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