8 years
Hi Hostel Tucan, welcome to the Hostel Management community!
A 22-bed hostel is such a fun size to run, and gives so many opportunities to connect with your guests! It’s the dream for a lot of future hostel owners. It’s also a difficult size to run because of the cost/income ratio. If you don’t mind sharing, I think a lot of people would be curious to know how you’re making that work.
- How many people are on your team?
- Do you live onsite, or do you have a team member on duty all the time?
- Did you open the hostel in a building that you owned, or are you renting?
- Is the hostel your main job, or do you have a day job that helps to cover expenses?
- Do you sell services other than accommodation that provide significant revenue for the hostel?
It’s always interesting to hear all the different ways that people find to make their dreams work. That’s what this site is all about!
Is your hostel newly opened, or have you been running in Tbilisi for a while?
Welcome to the community once again!
PS. Don’t forget to connect your profile to your hostel's listing in the Our Hostels database here on Hostel Management.
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