10 years
I could copy and paste too articles backing up the usefulness of bitcoin, but the reality is bitcoin is here to stay.
See "Overstock Tops $1 Million in Sales Made With Bitcoin in 2 Months"
i'm not a bitcoin fanboy, i just think is a great alternative for hostels to generate a revenue and as someone said above its a great marketing opportunity.
For me, i have yet to generate revenue from bitcoin, but so far what i have invested... $0 has already gotten me in the article mentioned above and i'm getting some decent traffic to my website from bitcoin.travel
I think the stupids are the ones that ignore the trends and fight them, and don't see the opportunities (alternative or direct) they pose.
here's what i tell my clients about bitcoin
@darren your hostel was my inspiration! some ideas copied from your website there :)
i think if we hostels think the same way as hotels, well... we stop being hostels. We are known for doing stuff differently and to be run by people with different dreams that those corporate ones, i agree, we still have to pay bills, but what's the worst that could happen if you accepted bitcoin? you might end up with a bunch of worthless bitcoins that you could spend on Girls gone bitcoin http://www.reddit.com/r/GirlsGoneBitcoin/
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