16 years
Thanks for that info. I'll also include it in the email newsletter going out on Monday.
Two leasehold hostels are for sale in Edinburgh at the moment. They are the Brodies hostels, never stayed in them. There's certainly big business in tourism in Edinburgh, but the hostel market is also super competitive. Good luck to whoever takes them on.
Brodies Hostels
16 years
Thanks for that info. I'll also include it in the email newsletter going out on Monday.
16 years
I stayed in Brodies 1 in about 2002. It was one of the most sociable in Edinburgh, with no TV, and all the guests including long-termers gathered around the fire. It suffered from smoking at the time, but otherwise was very good. The staff mixed with the guests.
I looked at Brodies2 more recently. It seemed the opposite, quiet. I've seen some poor reviews of that, commenting negatively on its quietness and also on bad noises from water pipes. The staff were a bit aloof and bound to the desk.
They seem to have been marketing them quite strongly, but they treat them as one for booking purposes. I think that whoever buys them could make them really good but will involve some effort.
16 years
hehehe, hope none of the staff there are reading this; they dont know theyre up for sale ;)
but yes, edinburgh is ridiculously competitive, especially this time of year.
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