I'm a keen hostel user and avid traveler. The frustrations I have seen with HB and HW along my travels have driven me to work on my on internet start up. When launched in about 6 months this will provide a booking facility for hostels/guesthouses only and I aim to charge between the 8-10% range, hopefully on the lower end dependent on my setup costs. I am currently working on what introductory offers I can provide to the first hostels who come on board.
I know it is a big competitor to face but we are going to start small, targeting specific regions that I know well, and keep to our roots by keeping the fees low and really work with the hostels we aim to service.
Is this sort of initiative you as hostel owners would support? I wouldn't be asking for any fee other than the booking commissions and the whole basis of the start up is to charge less than our big competitors. I understand it will be slow going and we won't be able to provide the levels of bookings the HWs and HBs do however we won't get off the ground without the kind support of owners like you listing on our site.
I am keen to hear any feedback or comments you have?
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