How to Make Your Hostel Marketing Go Viral!
I think this slideshare has some really good information to help your hostel marketing go viral. They tell you how to do every step. They even tell you how to accomplish the luck part.
After reading it I immediately spotted at least 10 social media marketing tricks that I'm not using on my web site. After reading this, please let me know what you think in the comments. If your hostel uses examples from these Upworthy recommendations, show them off.
- Comments

12 years
Agreed. I have always thought hostels have things happen all the time that have the potential to "go viral". We just need to have those video and still cameras ready to capture it, frame it on our web sites and get our guests to share it. It seems like it should be easier for hostels than for most businesses. This slideshare has prompted me to change the way our hostel photos page works. Remind me in a few weeks and I'll show you the new shareable photos page.

12 years
Hi Darren, i like your thinking and definitely on the right direction, we actually produce promotional online videos for hostels. would be great to discuss your ideas

12 years
Very good ideas but very bad slider. Less than 10 slides would have been enough for the info they have in there. :)

9 years
I'd agree that social marketing is definitely a way to promote hostels. And as both a connoisseur of social media and frequenter of hostels, I'm not immune to any cool buzz about hostels going on in the Twitter and Facebook world.
But I also believe that it is oh so important to use other marketing channels to really amp up your hostel's online presence.

8 years
There is no recipe for viral. I've heard this from Casey Neistat, incredibly popularly youtuber who has had several viral videos and routinely gets 1,000,000 views.
As a travel blogger I can tell you this from first-hand experience, too. There is no recipe - if there was we'd see the same people "gaming" the viral system over and over.
Instead, all you can do is create quality content and engage with the right audiences.
By phrasing it so simply doesn't mean that it's simple!
Quality content needs to inspire an audience and drive them to take action.
Engaging with your audience means more than just starting a twitter account for your hostel / your blog / whatever. It means engaging in conversations. It means showing people you're human. It means making them feel noticed.
When I was in Siem Reap, I was in instagram, and the day before heading to Angkor Wat, I searched the #AngkorWat tag on instagram to get inspired by photographs.
What did I see there? A Tuk Tuk driver offering his email to tour you around Siem Reap.
I didn't need a Tuk Tuk, but I couldn't help thinking that this Cambodian driver was a genius - because there are many who will need one, and if even 1/100 who do decide to go with mr. instagram then he is a busy man.
You need to notice, and be noticed. Engage, and be engaged.
On my youtube I make plenty of videos staying in hostels. Sometimes a good one gets 100 views, sometimes an average one gets 3,000. It can be annoying or puzzling, but in the end it simply is what it is.
Don't be like the angry Tuk Tuk drivers chasing tourists on the streets.
Be like the guy who sits in the shade and posts on instagram.
Put yourself in the right places, share quality content, and participate in the social circle.
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