11 years
Our hostel's in Sicily. We had a volunteer here. At the end of her 5 weeks stay she saw the map of Sicily and with an astonished face asked us: ,,Sicily is an island?"
Beat this ;)
My Dutch girlfriend was working on reception recently when a backpacker came over for a chat. He did the usual question "so which country are you from".
After telling him she was from the Netherlands he continued to tell his travel stories and show off his knowledge of Europe. Unfortunately, his bragging was short lived when he asked her if Ikea was the capital....
Amazing and worrying at the same time? Have you had similar??
Have a good weekend everyone.
11 years
Our hostel's in Sicily. We had a volunteer here. At the end of her 5 weeks stay she saw the map of Sicily and with an astonished face asked us: ,,Sicily is an island?"
Beat this ;)
10 years
I do:) Not as bad as yours though. But whilst in Colombia, during Easter, 2 Swedish friends and me (Norwegian) decided to get a little story going about Scandi land. So during an Easter dinner that we arranged, we were sat at different places at the table. Then my buddy Felicia started telling someone about how she was missing Sweden at Easter, and that Easter Sunday was the night of the big Easter moose hunt. When hearing this I said over the table, oh you guys do the big Easter Moose hunt in Sweden too? This made our fellow diners curios (american, english and i cant remember the rest..).. So we started telling them how on Easter Sunday boys in every village go out in the forest to hunt the moose. They climb the trees, and patiently wait for moose to walk past underneath. When one does, they jump on its back and hold on to the horns (horns? the things on their heads..). The one who rides the moose for the longest is crowned the Moose King (or something) and its an extremly big honour and he usually gets all the girls. Then Marius, our other Swedish friend, came and joined the conversation, and said he once was the Moose king in his village - which got everyone trememdously excited, especially the girls. 2 of them, guys, even started discussing the prospect of going to scandinavia to join in the hunt one Easter... Haha I kind of hope they did..
10 years
I once blocked facebook on the router for a whole week and told people that Colombia
was introducing a Facebook tax and that i didn't want to pay.
it was funny and most believed the whole tax thing.
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