14 years
I can answer pretty much anything you want to know about Joomla, for reservations for your own site I would check out ResMania.com very good top shelf reservation solution.
Anyone using Joomla for their hostel website?
Joomla has some hotel booking components which look interesting but I haven't tried them yet, like jomres and joomlahbs.
14 years
I can answer pretty much anything you want to know about Joomla, for reservations for your own site I would check out ResMania.com very good top shelf reservation solution.
14 years
That's the first time I have heard of resmania. Do you know how it compares to jomres?
14 years
Personally I think it is the best reservation solution available for Joomla, the core is encoded but you can build modules and plug-ins for it to extend the capabilities of it to suit any need.
JomRes was ok - but this is above and beyond the capabilities of JomRes, it is built by Webformatique that also build Car Manager a long standing rental car solution that has now been superseded by their new ResMania.
You can download it for free to have a play it allows for a single reservation unit to see how it works, I must admit without the added modules it is a little limited for trial. My only complaint would be the needed subscription for access to the add on modules, I don't mind the licence fees, but the needed support subscription I find a little hard to swallow long term.
That said though you can download all extra modules with a single 30 day support subscription
10 years
I think wordpress is moving ahead of joomla, its so much easier to use. everything like the media uploader and galleries etc. is built into wordpress but with joomla you have to add on all different components to do the simplest things
Joomla is ok though, and i havent used joomla 3 yet which is supposed to be better.
res mania doesnt seem to exist any more, that link goes nowhere. jomres is now on wordpress too
10 years
I agree, wordpress is better and easier for a hostel website. A couple of years ago, Joomla had more advanced components than wordpress, and it was capable of more. But since then, wordpress caught up, and even outrun Joomla. It is simply more popular now, with more developers and more plugins. Besides, it is more user-friendly and easier to learn. I had all my websites in Joomla before, but I have been working only with worpress since last year.
10 years
I prefer WordPress - much easier to use and still pretty alive. Joomla is in decline.
(Disclosure: we made a WordPress plugin for hostels so I am obviously biased).
10 years
i use Joomla and I admit some of the stuff is outdated, however i believe drupal will dominate the market in regards to quality at some point.
We made a component for our joomla page to integrate booking.com's booking button.
10 years
i believe drupal will dominate the market in regards to quality at some point.
Drupal 8 is looking very nice. It hasn't been released yet though.
9 years
There are so many things to take into account here:
- Ease of use
- Ease of maintenance
- Security
- Ease of finding relevant professionals
- Is the CMS supported and updated
Taking Joomla, Drupal and Wordpress, Joomla is the clear overall loser. The big problem with Wordpress (which is what we use) is that its enormous size makes it a honey-pot for hackers (kind of like how Windows has also been a common target for so long).
Wordpress wins overall but because of that security issue, you should only plan to use it if you have a plan to maintain it (or pay someone to maintain it) as it is a seriously big headache dealing with plugins breaking websites, new versions making old plugins break, and security threats.
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