11 years
the company’s new owners – NC2 – had "made it clear that they were no longer in the business of content creation".
I wonder what they are going to do now? A media company that doesn't create content?
Travel guide company Lonely Planet axes 100 jobs at its Melbourne headquarters Read more: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/national-news/victoria/travel-guide-company-lonely-planet-expected-to-axe-100-jobs-in-its-melbourne-headquarters/story-fnii5sms-1226681380626#ixzz2ZPYRzQfJ
Fired the ENTIRE editorial and writing staff!
Well, it's been nice knowing you LP. I remember with fondness my old copy of Europe on a shoestring, now in the hands of my little brother (and probably utterly irrelevant these days, but hey). I know LP hasn't really been in the backpacker market for a long time but holy crap.
This is of course happening throughout all forms of media - who needs experts when we have twitter, right?! It's not like anyone ever respected LP because they were experienced travelers who knew the places they were writing about, nah, never. I can only surmise that LP from now on will effectively be the paperback version of TripAdvisor.
11 years
the company’s new owners – NC2 – had "made it clear that they were no longer in the business of content creation".
I wonder what they are going to do now? A media company that doesn't create content?
11 years
A sad day. To all the wonderful writers and travellers that made those incredible books so important to our industry. THANK YOU!! We wouldn't be here without you! Before HW we all used to complain and praise in equal measures the content and or lack of content in the hallowed Lonely Planet. Your books inspired literally millions of people to travel. It gave them the way, the how and often the why or why not so ingrained in our travelers culture. This is what happens when a VC buys an under performing assest. Cut costs, sell inventory, try new markets or expand and cut costs by purchasing other under performing assests then combine them and cut costs. Sounds eerily familiar.
Hang on to those old LP guides! Found one from 1982 in our library it is a treasure we will never give up.
11 years
Guys, do you know any possibility to get into the Lonely Planet newest edition with your hostel?
I would highly appreciate any answer or lead!
11 years
I wonder what they are going to do now? A media company that doesn't create content?
The thorn tree forum is well used. I suspect the web and content strategy will be like the Huffington Post. More accurate(?), more opinionated and more useful to the new world of instant information and hand held devices.
11 years
The information may be more up-to-date as presumably it won't only be written every 2-3 years but rather whenever somebody submits something but I can't help but think it'll heavily devalue the information itself.
I have no inherent problem with user-submitted info but I can't help but see it as just another nail in the coffin of actual research and expertise - kinda like the way the death of Newsweek was a signal of the end of actual investigative journalism.
11 years
Well, from the LP point of view the potential monetization of the new style of content aquistion will be huge. Fresh content, blog updates, favoured authors and advertising. They need to capitalize on their brand. How many travel bloggers have emerged since the sale to the BBC? How many have emerged since the sale to NC2? The largest employer of "backpacker bloggers" prior to the web was the LP. They laid of 100 writers and editors. They will now be able to scrape content from tens of thousands on whatever campaign they launch. The potential value of leveraging their brand and using the hordes of travel bloggers to creat content is huge. Just ask Matt Drudge or Arianna Huffington.
So hard to believe that the company that ostensibly created the travelling writer missed the initial opportunity to cash in on the travel blogger phenomenom.
11 years
They make money from affiliate bookeings and let their community do the recommendations in their forums. Their book was always outdated, and since 2008 hit, it was too difficult for them to keep current using the old school print media. I believe it will be more of a blog, and they will take content from their community members.
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