Lviv Backpackers Hostel Roxelana
I run a small mini-hostel - 20 beds(+5 extra beds )
experimental apartment-hostel
the invest is small and the risk is small.
The economy and laws are not stable in Ukraine , so one does not know what to expect .
But we have more and more tourists each year.
Roxelana Hostel is the nearest apart-hostel to Central Station .
Unfortunately Ukraine is not a country which is attractive for foreign investors and of course for hosteliers.
The real estate prices are equal with West European.
The ones who are lucky to sell real estate property , can easily but for the same price real estate property in West Europe.
Even the monthly rent in Ukrainian city Lviv , can compare with Amsterdam or Berlin.
( in Amsterdam or in Berlin you can easily charge 18-13 euros per bed , but here in Lviv it is 5-8 euros per bed , ...and 20 times less tourists.. )
Any way , if to consider that for Ukrainian citizens , it is not so easy to open a hostel abroad , and of course you need to have money to open a hostel , I decided to open a hostel in Lviv , Ukraine .
Why Lviv ?
Because I am Lviv-lover
and also Kiev is much more expensive city if to talk about the property rent.
In recreational city Lviv , the tourism is the main industry , so there are plenty of hostels in this very young hostels market.
Of course , its not a business , unless you are the best hostel.
Strongest always survives at competition.
But in order to be strong , one must have a lot of money for a good hostel.
I hope I shall make some more money , with other businesses and will make a nice hostel.
Ukrainian city Lviv is similar to Prague.
Its Ukrainian Prague.
I hope the tourism will grow here , in the future , if the goverment will not make some problems.
( Not long time ago we were facing some new laws which had to re-new
visas for EU and North American tourists , of course , this kind of tendencies are not good for youth tourism , also tendency to make presure on small business.... but in this unstable situation , I am still optimistic)
So , yes , may be in the future the tourists will go to Ukraine .
Its not a scaring country like a lot of people still thinks.
The country has got a honour to host EURO 2012 soccer competition.
In June , 3 games will take place in Lviv.
May be its not attractive for hostel runners , because of small demand for backpacking tourism , but I think its a good country to go for a holiday.
I hope there will be more possibilities for cheap flights and more advertisements about Ukrainian cities.
if some one has any advises or remarks - you are welcome !
I shall appreciate any advises from experienced hosteliers.
Thank you !
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