16 years
Any book readers out there? What are you reading? Favorite books?
Check out my favourites (English spelling!) on my Facebook page. All available from our library, I think.
Any book readers out there? What are you reading? Favorite books?
16 years
Any book readers out there? What are you reading? Favorite books?
Check out my favourites (English spelling!) on my Facebook page. All available from our library, I think.
16 years
I haven't read the book yet but the film was very good...
My favorite one is: not only one but five...
Douglas Adams: Hitchhikers' Guide pentology! (The film was nothing comparing to the books, if you are into sci fi, you will definitely laugh your ass off!!!)
16 years
My favorite novelists: Mario Vargas Llosa, Jorge Semprun, Max Frisch, Wladimir Kaminer.
For a good laugh, Sue Townsend´s "Adrian Mole" books are almost as great as Douglas Adams. She also wrote a hysterical book about a fictional British prime minister with some embarrassing resemblance to Tony Blair.
15 years
Douglas Adams: Hitchhikers' Guide pentology! (The film was nothing comparing to the books, if you are into sci fi, you will definitely laugh your ass off!!!)
I was browsing through the forum and just saw this thread -- I'm reading those again now. Funny stuff...
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