17 years
Onme year I was on a road trip for another purpose and thought I would do a little promoting on my way. Good thoughts, lousy outcome. I made up discount coupons and attached to my rack cards. I went through one of my target areas and visited every bicycle shop I could find. This was a promo to increase my summer guest potential. There was no expiration on these discounts. Well, I dropped off 10 card packages at about 20 cycle shops and thought I might get the usual 10%. Boy was I suprised, I got zero response. So as I said before I have tried everything I could think of over the years.
We had a time when the Appalacian Mountain Club came here once a year for cross country skiing. Every time they changed organizers for their annual ski trip I had to re-introduce my lodge to the new leader. Eventually they stopped their trip. I have had other groups like this one. Same thing, when the leaders changed, the direction of the group changed, and I would lose them.
The best advertisement is word of mouth. We have had Boy Scout Groups comming here for a few years for their ski trips. I have offered each of these troops a free weekend for the entire group if they would write an article and get it published in the Boy Scout magazine. I have had no takers in 10 years, about 10 different troops. I can not figure why they would not try for about a $650.00 offer . Beats the hell out of me, maybe I will try it again.
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