16 years
The catholic church is still quite successful in promoting their opinions on sex between adult couples while their own experience is limited to fumbling with small boys. :D
McCain doesn't know how to use a computer, Bush Jr. referred to Google as "the Google" and now Bush Sr. makes a statement that shows he doesn't know much about the Internet:
"You can go back to your, what do you call it, your Google, and you figure out all that."
In the age of the Internet, is it okay for politicians to not be aware of how to use computers? They're setting policies on how society runs but seem to be completely out of touch.
16 years
The catholic church is still quite successful in promoting their opinions on sex between adult couples while their own experience is limited to fumbling with small boys. :D
16 years
I think it's always going to be difficult to get leaders who are really up with things, as the systems of govt tend to mean that very old people get into positions of power. And it's hard to imagine any of the younger ones using the googol or suchlike. They usually have an army of researchers to do that for them. Those that do know much about the Interweb are scared of it due to the power it has that can't be controlled by natioinal govts. Having said that it is increasingly being controlled by a few companies.
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