Here are some ratings from a new hostel that just opened. From their first 3 reviews their rating is just 57%. It's hard to believe a hostel wouldn't be working hard to make sure their first guests were very happy. 40% staff rating and 53% cleanliness right after opening?
Is it just bad luck or maybe a few mistakes in the beginning?
Santa Klaus mentioned something interesting a couple of days ago -- hostels that get abysmal reviews are bad for hostels in general because the person might not stay in hostels again and might tell their friends that hostels are bad in general.
One example is the person(s) who keeps trying to add this photo of a dirty hostel dorm room to the Wikipedia page about hostels saying that photos of dirty hostels are more realistic than the current photos. (I had added photos of clean hostels to the Wikipedia page and deleted the photos of dirty hostels.)
Another example is angry reviews that say things like "stay away from hostels period".
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