11 years
Hi, il introduce myself, my name is Chris Donnelly, I am one of two owners of The Drunken Monkey Hostel, Zadar, Croatia. We have been established for 3 years now with a good reputation. We are currently looking to expand operations for a second property in Europe. Preferably the Balkans but extremely interested in Prague (dont need to tell you its beautiful city!). Anyways, business talk, regarding your hostel. It crucial im aware of the name and location of the hostel and last 3 years of revenue. Also net profit figures if you wish, I know some people dont like to give those!
I presume you are selling your lease on the building as you mentioned reasonable fixed rent? If that is the case i need to know a total cost for buyout and how many years are left on the lease. Or if you own the building a total cost of the property.
Im sure i have more questions, but the basics first I think!
Kind regards and look forward to your response,
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