There was a server overload emergency, so I've added some extra security, spam control, and performance tools to HM. If anyone notices any bugs or problems, please let me know.
There is a small chance you will see a security page that asks for a CAPTCHA. This probably only happens if you have spyware or a botnet on your computer. If you see that message, please let me know, and I will whitelist your IP address. Most users will never see the security challenge screen.
The other possible side effect is that pages are cached and may not show new content immediately. If that happens, just hit ctrl-F5 to reload the page. If you see that and it's a problem, please let me know and I'll see if I can reduce the caching time.
The site will speed up within the next few hours and there will be less spam to deal with.
Thanks for your patience... :)
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