16 years
You are most welcome to use the photos on our website:
There are some new features coming to HostelManagement.com.
One of the current priorities is to finish the "Start a Hostel" guide.
I'm looking for photos of hostel bathrooms, kitchens, common areas, and dorm rooms that would make good examples for new hostels. What works and what doesn't?
If you have some good, clear photos of hostel facilities please upload them to this forum thread and I'll put them in the Wiki guide. They can be from your own hostel or just photos that you have taken of hostels that you like.
To upload photos, just reply to this thread and on the post screen click the "manage attachments" button. The Web page will then display an upload form.
They should be photos that you own the copyright to. Uploading photos in this forum thread for use in the guide will license them under the GNU free documentation license (the same license as Wikipedia content).
16 years
You are most welcome to use the photos on our website:
16 years
Thank you. Those photos look great. I will link to your site in the credits for any photos used.
16 years
I've been working on the Start a Hostel Guide.
Anyone who wants to add information or make changes/comment should feel free to jump in and start editing the Wiki page.
I would like to have a lot of good photos of hostels on that page that will inspire people to create good hostels. If anyone has nice photos of dorm rooms, kitchens, common areas, receptions, bars, or other facilities, please upload them in this forum thread, or directly to the Wiki :)
16 years
Have a closer look at the second dorm room picture of Wombats Berlin you uploaded to your wiki site.
Further up, you mention:
As more people travel with electronic gear, some travelers are looking for power outlets within reach of their dorm beds.
In Berlin, we have custom-made reading lights with a power outlet and a little shelf. We are currently "testing" them in Berlin - if they turn out to be as indestructible as they appear, we will install these in all our hostels.
16 years
I thought that's what it looked like, but it was hard to see in my scaled photo. I'll upload a version that's not scaled down...
I was at a hostel in Taiwan that had a similar feature and it was very useful.
16 years
"The Urban Central hostel in Melbourne, Australia have specially made lockers that feature a power points inside each locker. It's a brilliant idea as it lets you recharge your mobile phone, iPod and computer while it is safely locked away. I think that lockers where guests supply their own padlocks are best - it's more secure for the traveller and easier for the hostel operator." -- Tim
I am not sure if our fire deparment would like the idea of power outlets inside the lockers. Battery chargers generate heat.
We were thinking about the padlock idea, too, but then we found a system of chip-card operated locks for both the room doors and the lockers. The locks aren´t that expensive and they are battery-powered (4 AA batteries per lock). We have installed the locks in May 2006 and have not yet replaced the original batteries.
16 years
I thought that's what it looked like, but it was hard to see in my scaled photo. I'll upload a version that's not scaled down...
I was at a hostel in Taiwan that had a similar feature and it was very useful.
Sorry I don´t have a better photo of the things right now.
A standard reading light as the one you show might be cheaper, but ours have a LED light instead of a normal bulb. LEDs are much more energy-efficient (something you have to consider with a € 2.500 monthly electricity bill) and don´t have to be replaced so often.
16 years
Sorry I don´t have a better photo of the things right now.
The current image is ok - I made a clearer version by cropping instead of resizing :)
16 years
You refer to Berlin´s lobby?
A team of three interior design students did that. OK, it is bold, but we told them we´re not afraid of colors. They did a wonderful job IMHO - the bar is also their design.
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