started this discussion
15 years 6 months ago
Vlingo is a new program for mobile phones that converts your speech into text.
Vlingo works on iPhone and Blackberry, and it's coming to Nokia and Windows Mobile soon.
The great thing about Vlingo is it only costs about $18 USD. (Speech recognition software for desktop computers generally costs hundreds of dollars.)
Some of the ways Vlingo can be used are to:
compose emails
compose text messages
post to Facebook
post to Twitter
add memos
add to-do items or tasks
search the Web
You could say "new memo hostel shopping list period milk comma eggs comma bread comma cereal" and Vlingo will instantly create a shopping list for you on your phone.
To create a new task on your to-do list you could say, "new task update prices on the website" and the task will be saved to your phone. If you sync your to-do list with remember the milk, your tasks will also be available on your desktop computer automatically.
To compose a new email you could just say "new email to Josh subject hi there message when is the next email newsletter going out question mark" and the email will be entered into the phone.
I wanted to recommend this software for anyone who uses one of the supported phones, because it saves a lot of time.
The hurdle for using speech recognition for me is it's only sometimes marginally faster than manual entry. Also mistakes seem easier to fix when made manually.
But I do have an iPhone, and Vlingo is free, so I'll give it a go. It might change my mind!
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