16 years
I started this in a new thread because the other flashpackers thread has 70 posts already :)
I was browsing around the Web and came across this definition of flashpacking on Wikipedia:
Flashpacking is a neologism used to refer to affluent backpacking. A flashpacker shares some of the characteristics of a backpacker: a sense of independence, no fixed itinerary and relatively long periods of travel to more exotic and far-flung destinations. Whereas backpacking is traditionally associated with budget travel and destinations that are relatively cheap, flashpacking has an association of more disposable income while traveling and has been defined simply as backpacking with a bigger budget[11].
A simple definition of the term Flashpacker can be thought of as backpacking with flash, or style. In another sense, the term defines a growing segment of travelers who adhere to a tight accommodation and meal budget, while spending freely for activities at their chosen destination. Some may define flashpacking as an incongruous mix of 'slumming it' and luxury; of adventurous travel with those on a budget by day and sedate dining and comfortable accommodation by night.[12] Flashpackers have been further defined as tech-savvy adventurers who often prefer to travel with a cell phone, digital camera, iPod and a laptop[13], although none of these is required in order to be a flashpacker. As with other forms of travel, the term flashpacker is mainly one of self-identification. The origin of the term itself is obscure.
The term also reflects a growing demographic of travelers who are forsaking traditional organized travel, venturing to destinations once the reserve of more adventurous backpackers, and the increasing number of individuals who leave well paid jobs or take 'career breaks', using the time to travel independently, but with greater comfort and many of the gadgets they are accustomed to at home. As a result, hostels are evolving and offering more up-market accommodation to those still traveling on a budget[14] in order to obtain their business. The hostels have realized a need to evolve in order to meet the changing demands of travelers.[15] It is likely that flashpacking and flashpackers will continue to evolve with changes in technology.
References listed in the quote above:
11. http://www.imagineyourparadise.com/280_flashpacking
12. http://www.guardian.co.uk/travel/2004/jun/12/fiji.guardiansaturdaytravelsection
13. http://www.breakingtravelnews.com/article/20060324134038880
14. http://www.hostelbookers.com/tips/flashpacking-hostels/
15. http://www.news.com.au/travel/story/0,23483,19967555-5002900,00.html
16 years
I started this in a new thread because the other flashpackers thread has 70 posts already :)
16 years
I started this in a new thread because the other flashpackers thread has 70 posts already :)
I guess it is a popular thread then! :)
16 years
Is the flashpacker term used with derision or is it used in a positive light?
16 years
Is the flashpacker term used with derision or is it used in a positive light?
It is a newly born trend appeared along with the budget flights. They seem wealthier than backpackers but they use more budget option than regular holiday travellers. In the positive perspective, it is a new, expanding market for hostels (or at least it was before the financial crisis, will see in the near future), on the other hand it could be quicksand if this is just a passing fashion.
16 years
Here's a list of Flashpacker blogs for anyone interested in reading what self-described flashpackers are writing.
Some hostels call themselves "flashpackers" now, like Nomads Hostels.
16 years
Some hostels call themselves "flashpackers" now, like Nomads Hostels.
It is a good marketing tool as well... suggesting even if your hostel charges more than the average but your guests can get better quality and more services for their money! ;)
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