8 years
Have a look on www.mychichostel.com, a french start-up that provides the best selection of premium and chic hostels (or poshtels) worldwide.
I just saw this article:
Design hostels, also known as boutique hostels or poshtels, have embraced hip interiors and cutting-edge architecture to attract the budget traveller with an eye for style.
Has anyone heard this word "poshtel" before?
Here are other articles from 2009 referring to "poshtels":
The Examiner wrote four articles about "poshtels" in 2010:
Hostelworld used it here in 2011:
I don't know if this is just a personal preference, or if it's just that "posh" is not a word in American English, but the word "poshtel" does not sound good to me. If I saw two hostels and one called themselves a "poshtel", and all else was equal, I would stay at the non-poshtel. :)
This quote is interesting, because it brings up a common problem with the "boutique hostel" label:
While design hostels certainly look more pleasant than their shabbier counterparts, the overall experience isn't necessarily improved by groovy decor. ''It was really pretty inside but I can't say that the experience, service or cleanliness was any better than other hostels I've stayed in,'' says Justine Aenishaenslin, speaking about a boutique hostel in Paris.
''I have the distinct memory of thinking, 'This is nice, but I'd rather they invest the money in a proper cleaner.'''
I once stayed at a self-described "boutique hostel" that was such a bad experience that I checked out and went to another city. I think the label is often abused...
For a longer discussion about that, see also: What Is a Boutique Hostel?.
I don't have an instinctive negative reaction to "boutique hostel" or "design hostel" (even if the labels are sometimes abused), but I do have an instinctive aversion to the word "poshtel".
What do you think?
8 years
Have a look on www.mychichostel.com, a french start-up that provides the best selection of premium and chic hostels (or poshtels) worldwide.
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