8 years
Hosteljobs.net which this website directs you to when you search for jobs. There is a section to browse for workers.
In my hostel we offer work for foreign volunteers like receptionists, bartender,... in exchange for food and bed. I think is a good idea to avoid spending money on more salaries. But i want to know where i could found good and more eficcient volunteers....i am not sure, but i think that Workaway and Worldpackers are the best, do you know others ?
8 years
Hosteljobs.net which this website directs you to when you search for jobs. There is a section to browse for workers.
8 years
Where are you based? There is a company called BritBound in the UK that is supposed to be amazing, I was at an award ceromany where they won best customer service for youth travel but there UK based.
Mrs Potts:D
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