9 years
Yes, i certainly would be interested in this!
After paying 2 designer's to create a new site, with no result!
I am now advised to use wix.com.
so something specific for hostels, would be brilliant!
After backpacking the world for over a year, I have spent a lot of time using hostel websites. One thing I noticed while traveling was that the average hostel website is horribly designed, and far from optimized.
Being a career website developer I thought that there must be a solution out there for hostels to easily create websites, but after much research I haven't found anything. It looks like a lot people are resorting to custom Wordpress/Drupal/Joomla jobs, which always take a ton of time to setup and run properly.
I really thought there should be a services like this (http://www.lodgify.com/) for hostels.
I'm curious if you hostel owners be willing to pay a monthly fee for a service that would make building/running/launching your website dead simple:
- Pre-made website templates that can be customized.
- Mobile/Phone optimized designs for responsiveness.
- Maps, Image Galleries, Blogs, Videos pages
- Hosting, Domain Name, and all server stuff included
- SEO optimized pages to bring in more direct bookings.
- Integration with Facebook/Twitter/Youtube
- Integration with TripAdvisor, HostelWorld, and other review sites.
- Integration with Channel Managers and PMS systems.
I just think that, as a hostel owner, the last thing you want to think about are servers, websites, and all the technical stuff involved with hosting a website.
I'm curious if a service like this would be useful?
9 years
Yes, i certainly would be interested in this!
After paying 2 designer's to create a new site, with no result!
I am now advised to use wix.com.
so something specific for hostels, would be brilliant!
8 years
I am now advised to use wix.com.
I would recommend against using Wix (or any kind of "single-page JavaScript application"). Unfortunately, Wix has some major SEO problems. WordPress is much better.
as a hostel owner, the last thing you want to think about are servers, websites, and all the technical stuff involved with hosting a website.
It sounds like it could be a great product if you can offer more than WordPress.com. I don't think that WP offers anything that is hostel-specific, and many hostels need some hostel-specific guidance.
8 years
The service you have listed looks like it could be a success to me.
It could work as an extension to an existing Content Management System (CMS) like Drupal oder Typo3.
How would you do the hosting and all the server stuff?
7 years
Still no service like this available? If still interested, I would be interested in developing something like this. I'm a web developer and also interested in hostel business.
6 years
I am interested to launch my own hostel website, but most free website creator has monthly dues. If anyone can help me build our website , just let me know. Please email: [email protected]
6 years
I design websites for hostels. I have spent many, many days approaching hostels that have crappy websites. I'm sorry to say that most are not waiting for a tool like the one you are suggesting. The hostels that see the value in having a great website, have great websites. Most of the hostels with bad websites don't see the return in investing time/money. They get 90% of their bookings from OTAs.
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