The England&Wales YHA has just published their 'annual' handbook of hostels. It's very well-presented. The descriptions don't say much about the hostels themselves -- that's mostly left to a display of icons -- but more about the surrounding area, and all hostels which provide meals have a sentence saying how excellent, tasty or hearty they are. Or: "The hostel is self-catering, but......(you can get meals in the village)". Why BUT?? And it's not called a Handbook now. It is "Your guide to great experiences, be inspired!"
But it's heavy. It weighs 240g, and lists 189 hostels/bunkhouses. (These still include last year's closures (8) and this year's closures (8)).
I have a copy of the "Handbook 1957". It has 6 hostels per page, in tiny but readable print. It weighs 40g, and lists 283 hostels.
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