17 years
So Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia? I travelled through these countries 2 years ago and can comment purely from backpackers point of view..
Riga/Tallinn were gorgeous cities but have the familiar scars from being popular English Stag weekend destinations.. To the extent that 2 of the 3 hostels we stayed in in Riga were built on top or below of strip clubs...Far worse than anything I've seen in Prague..
It was hard to get accommodation in both cities so I figure that means there is a market for more budget accom at least during high season.I'm fairly sure Riga and Talinn are both on Ryan air or Easy jets hit list so weekend visitors are likely.. I could be wrong on this but from memory Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia were more easily linked by busses rather than trains, which could limit travellers on Eurorail passes.
Lastly we found Tallinn to be quite expensive, compared to Lithuania, Poland etc so that might be an issue as well..
I believe a new ish hostel in Riga won hostel of the year in 05(Fun Frank's Backpacker Hostel in Riga) and I met an Aussie bloke whilst in Riga who had recently opened his hostel as well, so there's definitely a market.
hope that helps a bit.
Cheers Andrew.
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