16 years
Are hostels here getting bookings through STA? We got a few booking through them at one hostel I worked at, but not many.
Yes, a few. 120 bed nights in Munich for June, for example.
STA Travel is closing most of their retail stores in the USA.
It seems easier and cheaper to sell travel packages online. Students are probably more likely to look online now than walk into an STA office.
Their site ranks at #11 in Google.com for hostels, though probably not for many other hostel-related keywords.
Are hostels here getting bookings through STA? We got a few booking through them at one hostel I worked at, but not many.
16 years
Are hostels here getting bookings through STA? We got a few booking through them at one hostel I worked at, but not many.
Yes, a few. 120 bed nights in Munich for June, for example.
16 years
we used to get a few back in australia - havent encountered more than a handful overseas though.
good riddance in my opinion.. well, my PERSONAL not professional opinion. i booked through them once, a flight from melbourne to london. about 1100 bucks for a one-way ticket in june, not bad. except they managed to get my NAME WRONG. not a big issue id have thought... until it took them nearly 2 weeks to get my ticket re-issued. i got it the day before i was due to fly out and had to drive to their central office on a sunday (it wasnt officially open, there happened to be someone there) to pick it up. i was absolutely furious with them.
so, i wont be dealing with STA again and i wont shed a tear if they keep going down hill. i know thats a bit harsh, but c'mon, australia to london flights are their bread and butter, you've no idea how angry i was...
[/end rant]
16 years
Yes, a few. 120 bed nights in Munich for June, for example.
Not bad... Are many of them Americans?
I tried to sign up one hostel with them, but never got a response to my inquiries. Do you know how to contact them? I could create a page about how to sign up with STA.
we used to get a few back in australia - havent encountered more than a handful overseas though.
A "handful" is about the same number we got at one US hostel :) The vouchers always confused the front desk staff because it could be complicated to enter them into roomMaster if the guest wanted to add extra nights to the booking on arrival.
16 years
Not bad... Are many of them Americans?
I tried to sign up one hostel with them, but never got a response to my inquiries. Do you know how to contact them? I could create a page about how to sign up with STA.
Most of them are Aussies.
Our contact for contracting is Daniel Horvarth: dh1[at]statravelgroup.com
A "handful" is about the same number we got at one US hostel :) The vouchers always confused the front desk staff because it could be complicated to enter them into roomMaster if the guest wanted to add extra nights to the booking on arrival.
Exactly. The paperwork is also a big pain in the ass for the backoffice and accounting people.
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