15 years
I would like to comment on number 2; what does actually mean “we trust reviews”?
TripAdvisor’s slogan used to be “get the truth then go”. Now this has changed… How would you define trust and truth?
Ginny McGrath at the Guardian covered the "10 hottest online travel trends"
15 years
I would like to comment on number 2; what does actually mean “we trust reviews”?
TripAdvisor’s slogan used to be “get the truth then go”. Now this has changed… How would you define trust and truth?
15 years
The article says that people trust reviews from punters more than newspaper reviews...and I for one couldn't agree more. Although obviously any traveller review needs to be read in context, if possible, and many of them should be read for one given place to get a real overview of it, theres no question that I make my decisions on where to stay more on them than even the hostel's own speil.
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