13 years
Thanks for the link... shocking news about the riots. I wonder how it got so out of control.
Amdist the disgusting riots in Vancouver a man was captured comforting his injured girlfriend. One of the iconic photos from the mayhem for sure. Turns out he has been identified as an Aussie on a Working Holiday Visa. A backpacker. Good for you mate. Thanks for a poignant moment. Here is a link to a newspaper story about this guy and the events that lead to the photo. http://tinyurl.com/64p58gu
The riots were all around the hostels in Vancouver if anyone has some backpacker/hostel stories please share them. I for one am ashamed of my home city. It wasn't just a few hooligans as the media is spinning, thousands participated in the destruction and mayhem. Thousands. Thousands more filmed this wonton destruction with their Iphones which to be sure incited more violence. Check this video and the senselessness. www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSNFxnaGqcA
The Riot act was read, mob rule ensued and Martial Law was declared. In Vancouver!
Take the hockey team away.
13 years
Thanks for the link... shocking news about the riots. I wonder how it got so out of control.
13 years
Huge outdoor venues for watching the game where up to hundreds of thousands of people watched the games for the whole series. Mob psychology kicked in big time no doubt amped up by hooligans and idiots. But make no mistake there were thousands of otherwise "law abiding" citizens involved in this. Egging people on to committ the atrocities. Check this video out, watch how the crowd turns on a good samaritan www.tinyurl.com/4y2ory3. As someone who has been in a riot it would have been impossible for the police to stop this once the crowd "turned". Checkout the sounds of people cheering as they recorded the carnage. Crazy. I am positive, having watched live streams of this for hours that night, that the thousands filming the riots helped escalate the destruction. If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem.
Take away the hockey team. Tens of thousands of people were involved in this in varying degrees. This demonstrates that the city does not deserve a team and this is from a lifelong passionate Canucks fan. Mayhem (of a lesser extent) occured in Vancouver in 1994 when the Canucks made the finals. What will happen if this city gets a chance to host the Stanley cup final again?
13 years
I can't understand why someone would throw the ladder at the girl. :confused:
What would cause so many people to suddenly riot like that? Could it be the alcohol?
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