Report Report 'Re: How about an odd things found in dorm's thread. I shall ...'? Are you sure you want to report this comment for offensive, abusive or spam content? Report × Oohbunnies 11 years This was just this morning.
New hostel book! “I eventually became such a fan of the world of hostelling that it soon became a goal to run a hostel of my own. After
Got a new website to tell Hostel Stories Hey, just started a blog to tell my funny stories of being a Hostel Owner. They're not typical party hostel chat, but
How to Open a Hostel A hostel can be a profitable and even rather lucrative business. If the location of the hostel is chosen carefully and
"No-Show" Guests and credit card charges I recently had a woman book 4 beds for 2 nights 3 weeks in advance. She completely filled in our on-line reservation
Guest with misconduct Hello All We have a guest who breaks many rules in the hostel- smoking in bathroom, abuse air conditioner which
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