Weirdest items ever left behind by guests? | | 9 years ago |
Invest in a Backpackers Hostel: Phillip Island, Victoria, Australia | | 10 years ago |
lockers and padlocks | | 13 years ago |
Backpackers face 5 years in Brazilian prison over alleged false robbery claims | | 13 years ago |
Linens?By jonnyceic1 posted in Housekeeping and Maintenance | | 14 years ago |
Free and open-source software resources | | 15 years ago |
Poland hostel - costs? tips n tricks? | | 15 years ago |
Jumbo Hostel in Sweden goes up for sale | | 15 years ago |
A new kid on the blockBy Plakian posted in Internet Marketing | | 15 years ago |
the ideal hostel closed... Stranger in Poland :o( | | 15 years ago |
Loki Hostel in Lima is moving | | 15 years ago |
New HI Hostel Opened in Alaska, July 2009 | | 15 years ago |
Server downtime update | | 15 years ago |
New HI Hostel in Seattle Opening Tomorrow | | 15 years ago |
musical Double bed roomBy Peter posted in General Hostel Operations | | 15 years ago |
Is the Movie 'Hostel' Based on a True Story? | | 15 years ago |
Surveillance system! | | 15 years ago |
Preopening list... please help | | 15 years ago |
Do your employees smile enough? New technology can help them... | | 15 years ago |
Beware of Thailand Airport Scam: "Zig-zag" | | 15 years ago |